Fall Equinox Repair Balm

$ 40.00 USD





This small batch balm is the answer to those who seek added moisture as the seasons change. The focus here is on reducing dryness, and irritation by adding a juicy and protective barrier to your skin. The combination of Herbal infused oils, with antioxidant rich Tallow, Camelina oil, and antimicrobial Pine Resin all work to repair the skin while also increasing the skin's ability to heal and regenerate. This balm is the perfect balance of Omega 3's and 6's offering an anti aging affect for the skin. For anyone suffering from damaged skin from exposure to the elements this is for you. This is my go to balm during the colder months of farming.


Grass Fed Beef Tallow, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Pine Resin, Rosemary Antioxidant, Yarrow Infused Oil, Calendula Flower infused Camelina Oil, St. John's Wort infused Oil, Pine Pollen.

Plant Allies:

Offers antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties making it helpful in healing burns, dryness, cuts, and wounds of  the skin. Because it is also loaded with carotenoids, Calendula helps the skin regenerate itself during the healing process. It's alterative properties make it helpful in the normal elimination process of the skin and lymph systems. Calendula is naturally antioxidant rich giving it yet another healing boost for the skin.  

A simple black pen drawing of a Calendula flower

Is naturally anti-inflammatory making it a great herb for the skin especially when dealing with rashes, eczema, or wounds. The gentle astringent properties also aid in reducing redness and effectively soothing the skin. Yarrow speeds the skin's ability to heal while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines with its salicylic acid content. Yarrow also offers mild pain relief due to its analgesic constituents.  

A simple black pen drawing of the Yarrow flower
St. John's Wart

Is packed with healing properties that are especially great for burns, sunburns, minor cuts, and abrasions. The analgesic constituents along with its Niacinamide content, a vitamin known to aid in the hydration and retention of the skin, make this herb a potent contender for repairing damaged skin. This herbal ally is great for acne and even the prevention of certain skin cancers. 

A simple black pen drawing of St. John's Wart flower
Grass-Fed Beef Tallow

Is rich in antioxidants like omega 3 fatty acids aiding in the prevention of damage from free radicals. Because its vitamins are bio available to the skin, unlike a man made source, your skin is able to utilize tallow as a highly nutritive food. Beef Tallow is high in vitamin A, D, E, K and collagen all of which help deeply nourish the skin and repair its natural barrier. Because Tallow so closely resembles our skin's natural sebum production it in turn is very compatible with our skin and can be fully absorbed without clogging pores or creating breakouts. 

A simple black pen drawing of a cow

Like with any herbal medicine please note that none of my products are FDA tested or approved and it is in your best interest to double check the interactions of certain medications with these plants. Knowledge is power and you have the power to heal. 

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